Historical Sociology & Sociology of Identity

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  • Allen K., Max Weber. A Critical Introduction. London 2004.
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  • Delanty G. - Kumar K., The Sage Handbook of Nations and Nationalism. London 2006.
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  • Eriksen H.Th., Ethnicity and Nationalism: Anthropological Perspectives. London 1993.
  • Gat Α. (with Alexander Yakobson), Nations: The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism. Cambridge 2013.
  • Gelner E., Nations and Nationalism, New Perspectives on the Past. Oxford 1983.
  • Haldon J.F., The state and the tributary mode of production. London 1993.
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  • Hall J.A. ed., States in History. Oxford 1986.
  • Hastings A., The Construction Of Nationhood: Ethnicity, Religion, and Nationalism. Cambridge/New York 1997.
  • Hirschi C., The Origins of Nationalism. An Alternative History from Ancient Rome to Early Modern Germany. Cambridge University Press 2012.
  • Hobsbawm E.J., Nations and Nationalism since 1780. Programme, Myth, Reality. Cambridge 1990.
  • Hobsbawm, E.J. - Ranger T. (eds.), The Invention of Tradition, Cambridge 1983.
  • Ichijo A. – Uzelac G. (eds.), When is the Nation? Towards an Understanding of Theories of Nationalism. London/New York 2005.
  • Krantz F. (ed.), History from Below: Studies in Popular Protest and Popular Ideology. Oxford 1988.
  • Leoussi A. S. – Grosby St. (eds.), Nationalism and Ethnosymbolism. History, Culture and Ethnicity in the Formation of Nations. Edinburgh 2007.
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  • Malešivić S., Identity as Ideology. Understanding Ethnicity and Nationalism. New York 2006.
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  • Runciman W.G., A Treatise on Social Theory, vol. II: Substantive Social Theory . Cambridge 1989.
  • Safran G., Language, ethnicity and religion: a complex and persistent linkage. Nations and Nationalism 14/1 (2008) 171-190.
  • Smith A.D., Ethno-symbolism and Nationalism. A cultural approach. London/New York 2009.
  • Smith A.D., The Cultural Foundations of Nations. Hierarchy, Covenant, and Republic. Malden, MA 2008.
  • Smith A.D., Chosen Peoples: Sacred Sources of National Identity. Oxford 2003.
  • Smith A.D., Myths and Memories of the Nation. Oxford 1999.
  • Smith A.D., Nationalism and Modernism. A Critical Survey of Recent Theories of Nations and Nationalism. London/New York 1998.
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  • Wimmer A., Nationalist Exclusion and Ethnic Conflict. Shadows of Modernity, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002. 
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